
(Trichoderma viride)

1.15% WP and 1.50% LF

Bio Cure-F is a biological fungicide based on a beneficial antagonistic fungus, Trichoderma viride. The product contains the conidial spore and the mycelial fragments at 2 x 106 CFU’s/gm and /ml of the product.


Bio Cure-F is an eco-friendly and non-toxic product. It is safe to the beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere. It increases resistance in the plant system against diseases. It does not create resistance, resurgence or residue problem and is an ‘organic certified’ product.


Powder -1.0kg / acre  and 2.5 kg / ha

Liquid – 1.2 lit / acre  and  3  lit / ha

Shelf life: One year.

Mode of Action:

Bio Cure-F can control the pathogens through different modes of action.

Substrate competition: Bio Cure-F controls pathogens by creating competition for substrate and nutrients.

Mycoparasitism: It grows fast and coils around the pathogen, then penetrates through it and takes the nutrients from the pathogen. The pathogen eventually dies and is finally eliminated from the field.

Antibiosis: It offers a long-lasting control against the pathogen by secreting secondary metabolites which exhibit an antibiosis effect on the pathogen.

Crops Recommended and Diseases controlled 

Groundnut and Wheat – Seedling Wilt and Loose Smut (WP formulation)

Tomato – Root Wilt (LF formulation).


Seed treatment 5 gm/ml per kg of seeds.
Seedling treatment 10-20 gm/ml per litre of water or per kg of Greenhouse potting mix.
Drip Irrigation 2.5 kg/ha or 3.0 lit/ha; Mix the product well in the required quantity of water and put it into the drip system.    
Sucker &Bulbs Dip the Sucker and Bulbs in the suspension of 20gm or ml/litre of water and then sow.
Soil application 2-3 times at 7-10 days interval at 3 kg or 2.5 lit/ha in 500 kgs of organic fertilizer
Bio Cure B

Bio Cure B

(Pseudomonas fluorescens)

1.75% WP and 1.50% LF

BioCure-B is based on an antagonisitic beneficial rhizobacteria, Pseudomonas fluorescens. The product contains the bacterial cells at 1 x 108 CFU’s/gm or /ml of the product.


Biocure-B is an organic product and eco-friendly in nature. It is non-toxic, induces resistance in crop plants. It promotes plant growth by PGPR activity. It can be used in Integrated Disease Management programme. It is an organic certified product. 

Crops Recommended and  Diseases Controlled

Rice – leaf or neck blast (LF formulation)

Wheat – Loose smut (WP formulation)

It also controls a number of other diseases in multiple crops.

Mode of Action: It controls pathogen through different modes of action:

Substrate competition: It controls pathogens by creating competition for nutrients available at the target area and leaf phyllo sphere.

Antibiosis: It controls pathogens by secreting secondary metabolites.

Siderophores production: It controls pathogens by producing siderophores that scavenge iron compounds, making it unavailable to the pathogen.

Crops Recommended: All crops.


Powder -1.0 kg / acre  and  2.5 kg / ha

Liquid – 2.5  lit / acre  and  6.0 lit / ha

Shelf life:  One year.


Seed treatment 5-10 gm or ml per kg of seeds depending upon the seed size.
Seedling treatment 10-20 gm or ml/liters of water. 
Sucker & Bulbs Dip in the suspension of 20 gm or ml/liters.
Drip irrigation 2-3 times at 7-10 days interval at 2.5 kg or 6.0 lit/ha.
Soil application 2-3 times at 7-10 days interval at 2.5 kg or 6.0 lit/ha.


(Bacillus subtilis)

1.50% LF

Stanes Sting is a biological fungicide based on Bacillus subtilis. The product contains the bacterial cells at 1 X 108 CFU’s/ml of the product.


Sting is an organic product and eco-friendly in nature. It is non-toxic, induces resistance in crop plants. It promotes plant growth by PGPR activity. It can be used in Integrated Disease Management programme. It is an organic certified product. 

Dosage: Liquid – 2.0 lit / acre  and  5.0 lit / ha

Shelf life:  One year.

Mode of Action:

Bacillus subtilis is a plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium shown to synthesize antifungal peptides. It persists in the environment and protects the crops effectively from fungal and bacterial pathogens in the plant system.

Crops Recommended and  Diseases Controlled

Banana – Sigatoka Disease  (LF formulation)


Seed treatment 5-10 ml/kg of seeds depending upon the seed size. 
Seedling treatment 10-20 ml/liter of water. Sucker & Bulbs Dip in the suspension of 20 ml/litre.
Sucker and Bulbs Sucker and Bulbs Dip in the suspension of 20 ml/lit.
Drip irrigation 2-3 times at 7-10 days interval @ 5.0 lit/ha.
Soil application   2-3 times at 7-10 days interval @ 5.0 lit/ha in 500 kgs of Organic fertilizer.
Foliar application 2-3 times at 7-10 days interval @  5.0 lit/ha in 500 lit. of water.
Green house potting mix or soil drench 5.0 lit in 100 lit. of water.

Bio Dewcon

(Ampelomyces quisqualis)

2.0% WP and 1.50% LF

BioDewcon is a bio control agent based on a beneficial fungus, Ampelomyces quisqualis. It contains conidial spore and mycelial fragments at 2 x 106 CFU’s/ml or gm. It is antagonistic in nature to control powdery mildew disease.


BioDewcon does not allow resistance, resurgence and residue problem. BioDewcon is an eco-friendly product and safe to natural enemies. Prophylactic application of BioDewcon can control disease effectively. It can be used in Integrated Disease Management programs and is an ‘organic certified’ product.

Mode of Action:

Ampelomyces quisqualis is a hyper parasite that penetrates the pathogen and infects it by forming pycnidia (fruiting bodies) within the powdery mildew hyphae, conidiophores and cleistothecia. It grows inside the target causing degradation of the cytoplasm, leading to the collapse of hyphal strands and death.

Dosage:  Powder -1.0 kg/acre and 2.5 kg/ha.

                 Liquid – 1.0 lit/acre and 2.5 lit/ha.

Shelf life:  One year.

Crops Recommended and Diseases Controlled

Powdery mildew in Bhendi (Okra) (WP formulation)


Foliar application : 2-3 times at 10 days interval at 2.5 kgs or 2.5 lit/ha in 500 lit. of water.


(Plant Disease Control Product)

SPOTLESS is an eco-friendly broad-spectrum bio-fungicide/bio-bactericide, contains plant extracts that acts by inhibiting the germination of fungal spores and bacterial cells by inflicting damage to their cell wall. It is used for controlling leaf spot diseases.


Spotless is organic and non-toxicin nature. It is compatible with chemical fungicides and pesticides. It can be used in Integrated Disease Management programs and  is eco-friendly in nature.

Mode of Action:

Spotless acts by inhibiting the germination of fungal spores and bacterial cells by inflicting damage to their cell membrane/wall. The damage so caused ultimately results in the death of the plant pathogenic fungal spores / bacterial cells.

Dosage:  250 ml/acre  and  750 ml/ha.

Crops Recommended and Diseases

Chilli– Leaf spot disease caused by bacteria.

Commonly recommended for all crops.


Foliar application:  Spotless can be applied soon after observing the leaf spot disease at 2.5ml/lit of water.


(Herbal based anti viral formulation)

Kurax is an eco-friendly immunomodulator capable of controlling viral diseases in agricultural crops through positively modifying the immune system against plant viral diseases.


Kurax is environment friendly, safe to users and viral vectors are effectively controlled.

Dosage: 1.0 lit / acre  and 2.5 lit / ha

Mode of Action:

Kurax provides systemic acquired resistance in the plant system against viral diseases.

Recommended Crops: All Crops.

Viral Diseases controlled: Yellow Mosaic Virus, Leaf Curl Virus, Yellow Leaf curl virus, Spotted wilt Virus, Iris yellow spot virus etc.


Foliar Application: Kurax is applied 2 times at 10 days interval.

Combined application with Nimbecidine can control both sucking pests and virus effectively.


(Broad spectrum immunomodulator)

Bacterimycin is a safe chemical, broad-spectrum immunomodulator that controls bacterial diseases in plants.


Bacterimycin acts as both prophylactic and curative. It is a safe chemical and does not create any residual problem. It is compatible with chemical pesticides and fungicides.


Mode of Action:

Bacterimycin provides systemic resistance in the plant system against bacterial infection.

Crops Recommended: It controls bacterial diseases caused in paddy, cotton, citrus, grapes and other crops.

Dosage: 100 gms / acre  and 250 gms/ha

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